Feature Match
Runde 3: Kai Budde vs Mark Ziegner
von Nestor "Gams" Rodriguez

Kai wins the Die Roll and opts to start.

Game 1:

Kai opens with Island, Mark with Swamp. The first spell being discussed is a Mesmeric Fiend from Mark, which Kai counters, Kai puts down 3rd turn Tog, and Mark answers with Cabal Therapy naming Concentrate. The Therapy takes one copy and opens up the way for a second Therapy which takes Innocent Blood.
Mark then takes a hit from the Tog and puts down Withered Wretch. On his next turn Mark resolves a Mesmeric Fiend to snack an Upheaval from Kais hand.
A Duress from Mark one turn later only reveals a second Tog, so he sends his Withered Wretch into the Red Zone and adds another Wretch to the board. Kai then adds his second Tog to his side of the board and passes the turn.
Another Duress from Mark forces Kai to use his last card in hand, a Smother, to kill one of the Wretches, and Mark adds an Undead Gladiator to the table. Kai draws and passes the turn.
Mark is starting to put on some beats with his Gladiator while constantly removing all cards in Kais Graveyard.
He can even add more critters, a Stronghold Taskmaster and a Nantuko Shade to his board position to worsen Kais situation. The Shade brings down one of Kais togs, and in his second attack he can also kill the second one. Kai draws, plays an Innocent Blood and concedes the first game.

Mark 1 Kai 0

Game 2:

Kai starts and opens with Polluted Delta, Mark opens with Swamp and Duress, taking Counterspell and revealing 4 Lands and another Counterspell.
Mark tries Withered Wretch but Kai counters, Kai puts down land number 3, ponders an Engineered but passes the turn instead. Mark resolves a Mesmeric Fiend whicht naturally snacks the Plague out of Kais hand.
On his next turn, Mark puts down a morph which gets smothered and turns out to be Headhunter. Kai then puts down Zombie Infestation and Mark uses Cabal Therapy to get rid of an Upheaval and puts down a Nantuko Shade which Kai steals with Persuasion but Mark smothers the Shade and puts down an unmorphed Headhunter.
Kai then uses Smother to kill the Fiend and get back his Plague which comes out naming Cleric to kill the Headhunter.
Mark still isn't out of steam though and resolves an Undead Gladiator and a Fiend which has to live empty handed as Kai has only lands in hand.
Kai topdecks Upheaval to reset the board, and has to remind Mark to bounce his lands too
Kai can then resolve a Zombie Infestation while Mark has to settle for a Mesmeric Fiend which gets no card again as Kai reveals a hand of 4 lands after responding to Fiend with the making of a token.
Mark the rebuilds his board with another Fiend, a Withered Wretch and a Rotlung Reanimator while Kai can only put down Compulsion.
On his turn Kai then draws and resolves a Psychatog, while Mark has to be content with a Nantuko Shade. In Marks end step Kai "cycles" an Island and the resolves a Concentrate during his main phase which instantly gets removed from the game via Marks Wretch.
Kai again cycles an Island but Mark jumps on the opportunity of Kai beeing tapped out and smothers Kais Tog. Kai can only add a Plague, naming Zombies, and passes the turn.
When Mark attacks with his Nantuko Shade, it gets Smothered by Kai and on his turn, Kai uses Persuasion to gain control of the Reanimator.
Kai then uses the Reanimator to kill an attacking Fiend an gets another Zombie token in the process, while Mark can only cycle into better cards with his Undead Gladiator but is able to snack a Concentrate from Kais hand once he hit a Mesmeric Fiend.
Mark tries to put down 2 morphs, but the second one gets countered by Circular Logic discarded via Compulsion. Kai resolves a tog while Mark is constantly removing cards in Kais graveyard with his Wretch.
Kai then first resolves a Concentrate and attacks with his Tog, which would be lethal if Mark neglects to block, so he chumps with a Fiend.
In Marks attack, Kai trades both his Zombie Tokens, which are weakened through his Plague, with the attacking Morph, which naturally turns out to be another Headhunter.
Mark is still having fun in decimating Kais graveyard, while Kai is left with an empty graveyard shortly afterwards.
Kai then uses a Smother to remove the remaining blocker, after countering Marks Braids, to win the game.

Mark 1 Kai 1

Game 3:

Mark opens the 3rd game with Headhunter while Kai puts down 2nd turn Compulsion and turn 3 plague to kill the headhunter duo.
A Fiend from Mark reveals 2 Smothers, and the fiend naturally snacks one of them. A Nantuko Shade enters on Marks side, but both critters are instantly killed by the Smother Duo.
Mark puts down another Shade while Kai is looking for answers with Compulsion and finds it in a Plague naming Insects, a Rotlung is countered while Kai draws cards with Concentrate. A Duress from Mark reveals Zombie Infestation, Persuasion, Upheaval and Tog, Mark takes the Upheaval but concedes shortly afterwards.

Mark 1 Kai 2