Feature Match
Runde 4: David Brucker vs Mario Zemke
von Nestor "Gams" Rodriguez

David Brucker (Atog) vs. Mario Zemke (zombie)

David is playing his Trademark Psychatog deck and Mario has one of the Popular Zombie beatdown decks.

Game 1

David plays first.
The Game begins with duress from Brucker that takes a Smother, and the next turn a second duress from David takes a second Smother Mario had just Topdecked. Rotlung Reanimator and two Withered Wretched are casted, but only the first Wretched resolves. The Withered Wretched takes care of David's graveyard and an Unohly Grotto starts the Rotlung recursion.
David is quite dissapointed at his lack of Blue Mana Sources, with only one possibility to counter. After drawing a pair of Islands, David is forced to cast an upheaval to
avoid lethal damage from two withered Wretched and the recurring Rotlung. Three turns after the Upheaval a Psychatog is cast by David to stop Mario's creatures. Zemke tries
to put some damage preassure with two Cabal Archons, yet Brucker has his 3rd and 4th Circular Logics to answer those. Finally after taking several hits from the Wretched and
his own Lands, David reaches the critical last point of life. A third Cabal Archon is unanswered and finishes the business.


David brings in some Persecutes and

Game 2

David goes first again.
Brucker counters an Archon a Shade and a Withered Wretched during the first 4 turns, but Mario manages to force an Oversold Cementery to start recursing his critters.
David casts a Compulsion and a Deep Analisis while Zemke only seems to find land. His Shepherd of Rot delivers a few hits, and suddenly David casts a Persecute that leaves
Mario with only 1 Swamp in hand and 3 creatures in his cementery. David plays Concentrate and keeps using Compulsion to set up an Atog Kill. The following turn Zemke casts
a pair of creatures, but David has his Upheaval and they go to the third decisive game.



Game 3

Zemke goes first mulliganing a hand full of Lands.
Mario opens with a Duress that takes an Innocent Blood. Mario plays a Shepherd and a Withered Wretched, but David gets rid of both with a Smother and a Chainer's Edict.
A turn later a second Withered comes to the play area, and it is stopped by a Psychatog. A Duress takes a Force Spike instead of the Persecute, and both players start the
damage race with their creatures. Finally mario topdecks the forth Swamp he needed for his Graveborn Muse, and David stucked at 4 Lands plays a second Psychatog. One of
the Atogs is smothered and Zempke delivers some damage with the Muse and an Archon. A Balthor, the Defiled gets countered, but the card advantage from the Muse gives
Zemke too many creatures for David to stop with his Psychatog.

Zemke wins