JK-Entertainment presents three days of
Magic! Breathtaking prizes and tournaments in the world's favorite Eternal formats are waiting for you: Legacy, Vintage, Highlander, and even a Modern PTQ! The final event of the year takes place in Hanau between December 28 and 30. Be there!
Friday, December 28, 2012
Highlander Cup:
| Format: Highlander
| Entry: 15 Euros
| Registration: 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
| Prizes:For each player more than 100, the prize payout will be increased by one 15-Euro voucher.
Legacy Trial: Tournament starts at 1:00 p.m., the format is Legacy, the entry fee is 15 Euros. Top finishers receive vouchers for the trader's booth (combined total equal to the total of the entry fees) and byes for Saturday's Legacy: for each 32 players in this Trial, one player gets two byes and one player gets one bye.
Vintage Trial: Tournament starts at 1:00 p.m., the format is Vintage, the entry fee is 15 Euros. Top finishers receive vouchers for the trader's booth (combined total equal to the total of the entry fees) and byes for Sunday's Vintage: for each 32 players in this Trial, one player gets two byes and one player gets one bye.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Huge Legacy Tournament:
| Format: Legacy
| Entry: 25 Euros
| Registration: 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
| Prizes (150 players or less): |
| Prizes (300 players or more):If attendance is between 150 and 300, prizes will be adjusted proportionally.
Vintage Trial: Tournament starts at 12:00 noon, the format is Vintage, the entry fee is 15 Euros. Top finishers receive vouchers for the trader's booth (combined total equal to the total of the entry fees) and byes for Sunday's Vintage: for each 32 players in this Trial, one player gets two byes and one player gets one bye (non-cumulative).
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Pro Tour Qualifier:
Big Vintage Tournament:
| Format: Vintage
| Entry: 30 Euros
| Registration: 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
| Prizes:For each player more than 100, the prize payout will be increased by one 30-Euro voucher.
All the Time – Side Events
Highlander: Will start whenever eight players have entered. The format is Highlander, the entry fee is 10 Euros. Three rounds of Swiss will be played. The top 4 receive vouchers for the trader's booth for 40, 20, 10, and 10 Euros, respectively.
Legacy: Will start whenever eight players have entered. The format is Legacy, the entry fee is 10 Euros. Three rounds of Swiss will be played. The top 4 receive vouchers for the trader's booth for 40, 20, 10, and 10 Euros, respectively.
Booster Draft: Will start whenever eight players have entered. The entry fee is 12 Euros. Three rounds of Swiss will be played. The top 4 receive four, three, two, and two boosters, respectively.
TSV 1872 e.
V. Klein-Auheim
Am Feuerwehrhaus 1
63456 Hanau
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